How to Fall Back Asleep: Our best tips to get those zzz’s

We’ve all been there. Whether there’s something on our mind, or we simply lie there completely awake in the middle of the night, sleeplessness is bad news. Not getting enough rest can lead to a myriad of problems, and make it impossible to be productive and effective the following day, or be present for our loved ones. 


If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, here are some things to help you get back to sleep and find rest.

-Resist the urge to scroll

Move your phone further away from yourself when you go to bed. You can still use it for white noise or relaxing sounds, but with it further away you’ll be able to resist the urge to scroll. If the distraction isn’t enough, the blue light from your device may interupt circadian rhythms, and interupt melatonin production. 

-Drink herbal tea

Herbal teas help with relaxation and stress reduction. Some of the best herbal teas for sleep are Chamomile tea, lemon balm, magnolia bark, and valerian root.

-Drink warm milk with nutmeg

Warm milk is one of the most comforting things to relax you. Try making some in a saucepan, and you can even keep some in an insulated mug like a Yeti! Add a tiny bit of nutmeg or honey to your warm milk, or even a bit of ground almond!

-Try meditation or a sleep story

Sleep stories are so lovely. They allow you to completely focus on a simple story, therefore forgetting about anything that has your mind racing! 

-Try to address what might be stressing you

If you’re stressed out about something, try putting pen to paper and writing down what is on your mind! As you write it down, you can stop ruminating over it. Just put in on the paper, and set your mind free.

-Get up and out of the room for 30 minutes, then go back to bed 

There’s no sense in “trying super hard” to sleep! It just won’t work. So try getting up, and doing something for a set amount of time. Then, head back to bed, and don’t overthink it. 

-Enjoy some quiet stretching

Relax your body and your mind with some nice, quiet stretching. Consider stretching alongside relazing music, sounds, or a meditative soundtrack.

Sweet Dreams Everyone!

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