It’s day one of the #12DaysofFittbe and this is a challenge you’re going to love! Each day we will be enjoying a self care activity – that’s right… enjoying!

It can be tough to really experience the good little things in life when we’re overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of this festive and blessed season. We’re going to focus on taking care of our minds, bodies and spirits with feel good fun… Fittbe style! ❄️

Your Day 1 Challenge: 

Make a steaming cup of tea and sit for at least 20 minutes. Read something fun and 100 percent stress free, like a Christmas book. Turn off your screens when you do it!

Follow your cozy 20 minutes with a short stretching session. Choose your own fave feel good stretches, or enjoy a Fittbe session! You might like to set it to holiday serenity piano music! 

Keep track of all 12 days by posting on your social media! Yep – this graphic above is for you, just click, save to your device and post! Day 1 complete of the #12DaysofFittbe

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