We are here to answer any questions you might have about the 6 Minutes a Day or any of the other Fittbe Apps!

Why don’t I have sound?

Be sure to make sure your ringer mute button isn’t muted, and make sure that your volume is up!

Can I airplay to my TV for a bigger screen?

Absolutely! Just swipe like normal airplay or even use a connected device to enjoy all of your workouts on the big screen. Pause with your remote or your phone/iPad

Are there new workouts very often?

Yes, indeed! We usually publish new workouts to your collection weekly!

How to I save to favorites or my diary?

To save to your diary, tap the checkmark on your video, and to save to favorites, tap a heart!

Can I share my workout to social media?

Yes, indeed! Just tap the little people in the upper right corner of your screen to share and inspire your friends!

Other questions? Contact us via our social media links below @FittbeApps or at social at Fittbe dot com.

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