Great job to everyone who enjoyed day one and gave yourselves a lovely little self care ritual by turning off the screen for 20 minutes, enjoying some Christmasy literature, and sipping a calming cup of tea!
Day 2 in the #12DaysofFittbe calls for you to Sprinkle some Cinnamon and “rock” the Plank!
That’s right, today were adding just a little spice … Cinnamon! Complete the day 2 challenge by making yourself a yummy snack of apple slices with cinnamon sprinkled on top. Cinnamon feels like such a perfect treat in winter! (or pre-winter, lol, as we’re just about a week away from Winter Solstice.
Second part of the challenge – set your timer for a two minute plank! Keep you back flat and your core strong!
When you’re finished, spread the word of self care and enjoying the little things in life! Your graphic is ready for you, just click and “Save Image”, then post on your instagram, tagging us @Fittbe_Workouts #12DaysofFittbe
Can’t wait to share tomorrow’s! xoxo ??
PS – if you missed day 1, you can still catch up ??