3 Barre Moves for your Legs

3 Barre Moves for your Legs

Today we have 3 barre moves for your legs that will get you toned up in a jiffy!…

3 Simple Moves for a quick  barre workout

Affirmations are powerful! The thoughts we have impact the way we feel, the way our body reacts to things, the way we interact with our worlds, and our loved ones. Why wouldn’t you want to train your thoughts to be beautiful, strong, or positive? It may seem silly at first, but the operative word here is “train.” Bad thoughts can be habit-forming. But never fear, no negativity tailspins here. GOOD thoughts can also be habit-forming. When you have a mind full of good and productive thoughts, you start the process of forming the habit of good thinking, You will put good out into the world, and it will boomerang right back to you. Believe us!

Plie Points

These are fun to do and a great leg burn

Start in your second position, and make a nice plie with tracking knees as always! Then press your weight over to your standing leg and point your working leg outward. Come back to your second position and lower into your plie. Make sure you have a nice low  in second with your knees tracking right over your toes, then power up and reach that working leg far away from yourself!

V Pulses

Send your knees to the side as you work those legs with little pulses. ⠀

These are so easy and quite fun! You can get a great leg engagement in so little time! Just rise up to your demi point releve, and squeeze your heels together. Plie down slightly but stay on your toes. Now, rock some little pulses. Try 16 counts and then come down and shake it out! 

First position plie raises.

It’s time to stretch those achilles but keep working our legs

Take your heels together in a ballet first position. Plie with your heels on the floor as you stretch your achilles. Squeeze your legs together as you pull up, engaging your inner thighs too! 

We like to add a simple 90 degree bend in the arms with light free weights – as you know they are always optional! 


It's always a good day for BARRE!

BARRE is always a good idea, and of course Paris is too.. Thanks Sabrina!


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