Get the confidence boost you need

We all need a confidence boost now and again. A strong little jolt that reminds you that “you’ve got this!” Whether it’s a work, fitness, productivity goal, or otherwise, here are a few reminders that you can give yourself to boost your confidence.



Remind yourself of a time when you wow’d ’em!

Give yourself a quick reminder of a time you had a great achievement! Maybe you sang a solo way back in school, maybe you took on a tough project and succeeded (anyone who ever baked a layer cake, you have my praise!) Remember that feeling of achievement, let it fill you up and put a smile on your face.

Turn on those tunes!

Listen to a song that makes you feel powerful! Put on those headphones, and get lost in a “power tune!” Something that makes you feel great, happy, and ready to conquer your day! For me, it’s a great country song, or any Tchaikovsky ballet soundtrack.

Read Inspirational Quotes

Read a few inspirational quotes! I like making Pinterest boards filled with quotes that make me feel amazing. You know those quotes that you read and just find yourself nodding your head and smiling!

Affirmations are powerful

Meditation and affirmations! Stating affirmations is such a great way to get your mind in the right place to do what you need to do. You can keep a journal of meaningful affirmations, and we have a list of some favorites right here on Fittbe as well. Affirmations may take a little getting used to, but try some! Say to yourself, “I am great at what I do!” “Success comes easily to me.”  

Get Glowing with your Favorite workout

Get glowing! A little workout, where you get your heart beating and your endorphins going can really help to make you feel more brave and confident! So, whether it’s 2 minutes of jump rope, a 10 minute barre boost, a challenging circuit or dancing in your living room, your confidence can be catapulted with the addition of endorphins, and good vibrations! 😉




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