Do you need to be a Dancer to do Barre?

few thoughts on Barre vs Ballet! And, most importantly, do you need to be a dancer to do a barre workout?!


First answer, absolutely not! Barre workouts are for everyone. You certainly don’t need to have a dance background to enjoy a great barre workout.


But, with that said, if you are a dancer, or any type of athlete looking for a workout that will give you full body balance and help you develop your physical skills, then this is an amazing type of exercise to try!


Whether you have a dance background or not, it’s FUN to move through the workout with grace and style. If you like, you can use your head positions, port de bras, and point your feet.


Don’t want to point?! No problem? Just make sure you extend your energy all the way through the heel of your flexed foot.


For those who love the “dancer style” classes, we have some sessions in Fittbe specifically designed for the bun-heads! In short, there is something for everyone, even Pilates.

I suppose that’s all for now! If you do the apps, you know I could probably go on about this topic forever!! 💕 xoxo, Kiira


Want to get started with Barre?! Start a free trial:


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