Amanda Seyfried’s Pilates Workouts!

Tips from Amanda Seyfried, who says she enjoys #Pilates on weekends! The actress combines Pilates into a weekly workout schedule of running, plus 3, 45 minute sessions on top of her weekend Pilates in order to stay “long and lean”.

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Seyfried prioritizes exercise, healthy eating (of course she does, one would have to nourish that gorgeous head of hair)!

The actress explained her view on body image to self magazine, “If we’re so busy trying to change ourselves, especially aesthetically, we’re going to miss out on more important things… It’s important in the grand scheme of things to keep in shape, but if you’re always worrying about imperfections and how you look, these things aren’t going to change for the most part. The thing you can change is the way you perceive.”

Now that’s a philosophy we can get behind! Stay strong, eat to fuel and nourish your body, and enjoy the process of exercise. Thanks for the perspective Amanda!

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